The Network Hub is a one-stop education, design and manufacturing solutions and training provider for your business needs.
From hardware peripherals to powerful software solutions, The Network Hub offers tools for 2D and 3D manufacturing design from Autodesk and many others.

Autodesk® Authorised Learning Products Distributor in ASEAN


SketchUp Education
All About Education
The Network Hub provides design consultancy and customised design education enrichment programmes for youth and adults. Established in 2004, our subsidiary DesignRete is the pioneer design education enrichment company in Singapore.
DesignRete’s vision is to develop Design as a school niche. Together with its Edu-partner Autodesk Asia Pte Ltd, DesignRete has set up Autodesk EduLABs equipped with high-end Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Maya design software. With DesignRete’s design software skills curriculum, students in the K-12 market are equipped with design software skills used by professional designers.
DesignRete conducts a range of design camps and courses, covering fundamental skills such as ideation through sketching and prototyping.
Strategy and Planning
Unwavering Support
Professional Training
Diverse Partnership
Some of Our Clients


